Like the biography on this website, the writings in
the category "Commentaries" have not been published elsewhere before
appearing here. The topics benefit from the material appearing without
substantial delay. Most reference citations are from secondary
sources, such as reports and newspaper articles and editorials, which are
available on the Internet and are helpful to persons without access to a
major library. An additional advantage to posting the writings here is
the rapidity with which environmental issues are reported. These
issues benefit from a transdisciplinary approach, and topics of primarily
regional and disciplinary focus are avoided. Since these commentaries
have not been published elsewhere, they carry the date of completion.
Both eco-ethics and sustainability ethics require
transdisciplinarity and both are essential to achieving sustainable use of
the planet. As Wilson (1998) notes in his prophetic book,
Consilience (literally "leaping together"), the process of encompassing
the sciences, the arts, ethics, and religion is already underway - a
synthesis of the various types of knowing the complex system called Earth
and an essential way to transcend the fragmentation of knowledge resulting
from excessive disciplinarity. The disciplines are essential quality
control systems for determining how components of complex systems function,
but not how the entire system functions. Transdisciplinarity is
inclusive rather than exclusive and will enrich the disciplines by enabling
them to exchange knowledge with each other. Wilson urges a common
system of knowledge to enable humankind to develop a harmonious relationship
with its biospheric life support system. Humankind must use every
means that might facilitate this process so that it is all inclusive.
Wilson, E. O. 1998. Consilience: The
Unity of Knowledge. Alfred A. Knopf, New York.

King Midas and the Money Touch
September 19, 2011
Can Humans Respond to a Long-term
Shortage of Renewable Resources?
September 14, 2011
Extinction: The Probable
Consequence of the Assault on Science and Reason
April 19, 2011
Why is Humankind Eliminating Its
January 7, 2011
Sustainability and Waste of
Biospheric Resources are Incompatible
September 23, 2010
There is no Planet B
July 28, 2010
How Dare You Scientists Espouse
Different Thoughts!
July 22, 2010
Requiem for the Biosphere
July 8, 2010
The Reluctant Warriors: Scientist vs
Public Relations Spin Doctors
March 18, 2010
Ecotoxicology in an Era of Rapid
Environmental Change
January 12, 2010
Going, Going, Gone: The Fate
of Low-Lying Islands and Estuaries
November 23,
How Much Space on Earth Should be
Allocated to the Biospheric Life Support System?
September 23,
Let's Talk About the Elephant in the
Living Room
September 21,
The End of Abundance: Will It Bring
Resource Wars or Sharing?
September 15,
Ecological Overshoot is Suicidal
September 11,
The Tyranny of Tipping Points
September 9,
"Hail Mary"
Technologies to Engineer Earth's Climate
September 2,
Are Humans too
Numerous to Become Extinct?
August 10,
Cast Changes on
the Ecological Stage of Earth's Evolutionary Theater
July 31,
Silence That Kills
July 21,
How Will the
Perpetual Economic Growth Delusion End?
July 16,
Tipping Point Negotiations: Do They Serve Any Useful Purpose?
June 25,
Putting the Eco in
December 4, 2008
The End of
Contagious Optimism and Denial
November 18, 2008
The Mother of All
Positive Feedback Loops?
October 21, 2008
Homage to Garrett
Hardin: Nobody Ever Died of Global Climate Change
September 23, 2008
Red Alert - Climate
Change: This is the Last Chance
Introduction for
the Summer 2008 Virginia Tech Research Magazine
Environmental Science in an Era
of Scarce Resources
July 10, 2008
Mother Nature Does Not Bargain
or Forgive
June 24, 2008
Natural Law / Human Law
March 13, 2008
Homage to Robert Hooke: Why
There Are So Many Fossil Species
March 4, 2008
Imprinting: Theater of the Absurd or
January 22, 2008
Sustainable Development: The Two
Decade Milestone
December 11, 2007
Voluntary Income Tax,
Voluntary Speed Limits
December 5, 2007
It's the Biosphere,
October 31, 2007
on an Alien Planet
October 24, 2007
Nature's Way:
Quantity First, Quality Next
October 8, 2007
Decalogue for a Planet
in Imminent Peril
October 2, 2007
Are We Asking the
Right Questions to Guide Our Descent From the 2007 Oil Peak?
September 17, 2007
Did You Get
a Good Education?
September 12, 2007
Wear It Out, Use It
Up, Make It Do, Do Without
September 4, 2007
The End of the
Cornucopian Delusion
August 22, 2007
The Non-Pesticide
Silent Spring
August 14, 2007
The Numbers of
July 19, 2007
Creating an Alien Planet
February 29, 2007
Blowing Sunshine #3:
Transforming Inconvenient Truths to Convenient Truths
December 20, 2006
Human Destiny
and the Biospheric Life Support System
October 4, 2006
Blowing Sunshine #2:
Transforming Inconvenient Truths to Convenient Truths
July 27, 2006
Adapting to the
Symptoms of Global Warming Rather Than Addressing the Cause
July 17, 2006
Blowing Sunshine:
Transforming Inconvenient Truths to Convenient Truths
July 13, 2006
Peace, Global Warming,
Ecological Overshoot, and Resource Wars
June 29, 2006
Catastrophe, and Change
June 27, 2006
Knowledge, Science and Spirituality
June 22, 2006
Can the Cheap,
Convenient, Readily Available Energy Party Continue?
June 20, 2006
The Future Eaters
March 30, 2006
The Fate of an Actor on the Ecological
Stage of the Evolutionary Theater
March 3, 2006
Lifeboat Ethics - To Sink, Or
Not To Sink: That Is The Question
February 9, 2006
Social Action, Social Responsibility,
and Secondary Sources of Environmental Information
December 12, 2005